APP ICON: changelog.html. IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A poorly drawn doodle of a page of a document, with pink scribbles on a white background. The upper-right corner is bent.


APP ICON: Voidscreamer. IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Pixel art of a circular vortex, portrayed as a collection of circles shrinking inward. The first is purple, and they progressively get darker and darker inward. Red stars and purple motion lines are dispersed throughout. The image is encircled with a pink border.


APP ICON: Rolls N' Trolls. WARNING: This app is not suitable for blind or vision-impaired users. IMAGE DESCRIPTION: White-and-transparent pixel art of a six-sided die. The face on the front is a five.

Rolls n' Trolls

APP ICON: CLEANUP Classic. WARNING: This app is not suitable for blind or vision-impaired users. IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Four corners of a square, highlighted in white, representing the in-game cursor.


APP ICON: about.html. IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A poorly drawn doodle of a page of a document, with pale-blue scribbles on a white background. The upper-right corner is bent.


APP ICON: My Tumblr. IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A purple lowercase T, with a white outline inside - a crude approximation of Tumblr's logo.

My Tumblr

APP ICON: Juked. IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Pixel art of a dark-red vinyl record, with a hollow, yellow ring at its center. A small, red note and a larger, yellow note adorn the record.


APP ICON: Juked LITE. IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Greyscale pixel art of a vinyl record, with a hollow, light-grey ring at its center. A small, darker note and a larger, brighter note adorn the record.

Juked LITE

APP ICON: Torn Notebook. IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Pixel art of a purple notebook, with a black outline. There's an illegible black label on the front cover, and there are numerous tears and scratches on it.


APP ICON: Saturn. IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Pixel art of a simplistic, beige planet, with three rings around it: red, green and blue respectively.


APP ICON: PaintTop. IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Pixel art of an old CRT monitor, with a paint roller painting on it. The wallpaper on the monitor is a set of vertical stripes, alternating between yellow and orange, while the paint dripping from the roller follows the same pattern, but changes the colors to light green and white.


APP ICON: BabelEater. IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A crunched-down representation of BabelEater. They're a pixelated, amorphous blob with a purple body and light-purple and pink tentacles. In the body, there's a darker pit, and in it, a red face shows an excited expression.


APP ICON: MY dinky TOOLBOX. IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A red toolbox with a grey handle. There's numerous cracks and scratches on the box, and fire is pouring out from under the lid.


APP ICON: Residential Area Mayhem. IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A red house-like structure, comprising of 7 rectangles, 5 squares and the letter A with a chimney attached - the logo for Residential Area Mayhem and ACDSStuck.

Residential Area Mayhem

APP ICON: QUICK MATHS. IMAGE DESCRIPTION: The head and upper torso of a golden retriever with poorly drawn triangular sunglasses on.